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Monday, February 7, 2011

SAP Note 763561 - Service Data Control Center (SDCCN) - FAQ


For the planned execution of a service session at SAP, you want to
provide SAP with statistical data on the use of the R/3 System.  For
this purpose you want  to use the Service Data Control Center (SDCCN)

Other terms
RFC Download, EarlyWatch, GoingLive Check,  EarlyWatch Alert,SDCC,SDCCN,Service Data Control Center, Data Collection, Data Transfer, SAP Solution Manager, Remote Service

Reason and Prerequisites
While using the Service Data Control Center (SDCCN) for preparation of a pending service session you have encountered problems.

Below you will find some answers to questions which are often raised in connection with transaction SDCCN (Service Data Control Center).
    1. Q: What authorisations are needed to work with SDCCN? A: The following authorisations exist:      Profile (in Basis rel 40*-46D)             -  S_SDCC_READN    Read authorization             -  S_SDCC_SERVN    Collect and send data             -  S_SDCC_ADM_N    Admin authorization      Roles (as of Basis Release 6.10)             -  SAP_SDCCN_DIS  Read authorization             -  SAP_SDCCN_EXE  Collect and send data             -  SAP_SDCCN_ALL  Admin authorization When assigning the roles for the first time please ensure that they contain the corresponding profile.
    2. Q: I am currently using transaction SDCC. How can I get SDCCN? A: Note 792941 documents the availability of SDCCN.
    3. Q: I want to activate SDCCN - do I have to deactivate SDCC? A: Yes. If you have used the old transaction SDCC this must be deactivated prior to the activation of SDCCN. To do this please delete any future background jobs connected with SDCC: AUTO_SESSION_MANAGER, SESS* , SASM*
              Then you can. locally activate SDCCN via 'Utilites -> Activate'.SDCCN in a satellite system can also be activated from a connected SAP Solution Manager system. Both methods are described in the attached documentation (see below )

    4. Basic use of SDCCN The functionalities in this tool are described in the documentation at -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager -> Release 3.2 -> Service Data Control Center. This is also available as an attachment to this note. There are also several I Tutors which demonstrate the use of SDCCN. You can find these via Remote/RKT-Solman -> SAP Solution Manager 3.2 -> Technology Consultant and System Administrator -> Technical Configuration and Solution Maintenance. Additionally below some information regarding the basic set up of SDCCN Q: What is the minimum set up needed for SDCCN? A: To ensure that SDCCN can continuously monitor your systems for sessions created in connected SAP Solution Manager systems as well as sessions ordered from SAP a number of prerequisites must be met. SDCCN must be activated as described in the documentation. After a succesful activation the customizing in Goto -> Settings -> Task specific settings is filled with the SAP proposed default values. In Goto -> Settings -> Task Processor you should see that the Task Processor job is 'active'. Two tasks should have been created: Service Preparation Check This is an interactive Task which you can start by clicking on it. This leads you to RTCCTOOL, which gives you an overview of tools and notes needed for the correct preparation of any service session. More information about RTCCTOOL is in note 69455. Note 91488 documents the various preparations for a service session. The Service Preparation Check is a periodic task, i.e when the original task has been executed, the next task of the same type is scheduled as per the customizing in the 'Task specific settings'. Maintenance package The maintenance package is a periodic task, which should run every day. It consists of 3 'housekeeping' tasks, which each get executed when necessary. The frequency of the individual tasks is based on the customizing in the 'Task specific settings'.
  • Session refresh
           The session refresh which is triggered by a maintenance task checks all destinations known in the list of RFC destinations
           (Goto -> Settings -> Task specific settings -> RFC destinations)
           Destinations from SM59 can be added to this list manually.

  • Service definition refresh
           The service definition refresh is also based on the above list of destinations. It uses either the destination for which the 'Master' flag has been set, or if this flag has not been set, SDCC_OSS.

  • Delete data
           This task is executed as per the customizing in the task specific setting.

              When the Task Processor is active, and Service Preparation Task and Maintenance Task have been created succesfully, no further tasks are needed. For control purposes individual tasks can be created, but these should generally created with mode 'runs once'.
The old transaction SDCC should now be locked.

    5. Q: SDCCN is activated, but SDCC can still be called. How can SDCC be locked? A: Most likely you have activated SDCCN when the system was on basis release 4.x, and then upgraded to basis release 6.x This has to do with the change of the namespace for the old SDCC , from /BDL/* on basis release 4.x to BDL*. When SDCCN was activated on 4.x SDCC was locked via table /BDL/CUST.  In 6.x the relevant table is called BDLCUST and does not yet have the lock entry. It must be created manually, with report BDLSETUP: KEY    = LOCKED VALUE  = X Delete = unchecked
    6. Q: When trying to create a task in SDCCN an error message appears: ' No action possible '. Why can the task not be created? A: SDCCN has not yet been initialised correctly, and so the customizing for the tasks has not been filled yet. SDCCN can be initialised locally by following these steps:
  • Ensure that the task processor job is deactivated, via
    SDCCN -> Goto -> Settings -> Task processor
  • Then initialise the tool via SDCCN ->Utilities -> Activate.
  • If the initialisation was succesful you should get the following messages:

    Local initialisation of new Service Data Control Center
    Activation successful
    Destination to SAP created
    AUTO_SESSION_MANAGER descheduled
    Settings filled
    Service Data Control Manager tasks created
    Task processor scheduled
    Jobname                        /BDL/TASK_PROCESSOR
    7. Q: A task in SDCCN appears 'active' in the 'To do' tab, but the corresponding back ground job /BDL/TASK_PROCESSOR* has been cancelled. The apparently 'active' task cannot be cancelled. A: At the moment only a workaround can be offered: Highlight the task -> right click -> select 'Start now'. The icon should change to 'match stick' while the task searches for a free background job. Now you must immediately delete the task (if you wait, the task will actually be re-started).
    8. Q: Can I switch back to SDCC? A: It is not advisable to switch back to SDCC, as there is a danger of both tools trying to run data collections for the same sessions if the below steps are not followed correctly.
              Should you need to do this you must:
  • Deactivate the 'Task Processor' in SDCCN, via
    Goto -> Settings -> Task processor -> Change mode -> Deactivate
  • Unlock transaction SDCC :                                    In SE38 run report /BDL/SETUP with the following parameters:
    KEY    = LOCKED
    VALUE  = space
    Delete = unchecked

  • In SDCC, schedule the Automatic Session Manager as per note 207223.
              To switch back to SDCCN please follow the instructions in Q2.

    9. Which destinations are used by SDCCN ?
      a) Destination to connect to SAPNet R/3 frontend (OSS) When SDCCN is first activated destination SDCC_OSS gets created automatically. It is a copy of destination SAPOSS, which gets created with 'Load distribution' set to 'Yes'. SDCC_OSS uses its own logon details:
  • User: SDCC_NEW
  • Password: DOWNLOAD
  • Client: 001
                       To ensure SDCC_OSS can be created correctly, SAPOSS itself has to be maintained correctly. The best way to maintain SAPOSS is via settings in transaction OSS1, as described in note 33135.
It is recommended that SAPOSS also use 'Load distribution'; to achieve this use note 766505.

Is there a template against which I check these destinations:

  • Target host: /H/X1/S/sapdp99/H/X2/S/sapdp99/H/oss001
    X1 = customer saprouter IP address
    X2 = IP address of sapservX ( sapserv1 =,
    sapserv2 =, sapserv3 =,
    sapserv4  =, sapserv5 =,
    sapserv6 =, sapserv7 = )
  • System number = 01
                       When SAPOSS is updated, the copy SDCC_OSS must be updated manually. The best way to do this is to delete SDCC_OSS in SM59 and then recreate it, via
SDCCN -> Goto->Settings-> Task Specific -> RFC destinations
-> Change Mode -> Create destination to SAPNet R/3 Frontend

      a) Destination to connect to SAP Solution Manager The connections between satellite system and SAP Solution Manager are described in the configuration guide for SAP Solution Manager.
    10. Q: What is the purpose of the 'Master' flag in SDCCN -> Goto -> Settings -> Task specific -> RFC destinations -> Settings -> Destinations. A1: If the 'Master' flag is set the satellite system refreshes the service definitions from the selected SAP Solution Master system. A2: The 'Master' flag enables the collection of data from the selected SAP Solution Master system into the SDCCN data collection in the satellite system. This concerns
  • Data of non-ABAP components
  • CPU utilization data of virtual servers
    11. Q: Why does the Self Diagnosis in a SAP Solution Manager system check SAPNET_RFC, even though SDCCN is used and SDCC is locked? A: During the initial activation of SDCCN SAPNET_RFC is created in the background, for the purpose of forwarding sessions to SAP This is why the Self Diagnosis checks this destination. If there is a problem with SAPNET_RFC, it should be deleted and recreated. If SDCC_OSS tests ok ( Utilities -> Test -> Authorisation) in SM59, SAPNET_RFC can be created as a manual copy of SDCC_OSS. User + password see previous question. If SDCC_OSS also does not test ok, delete it and follow the instructions in the previous questions. Then fix SAPNET_RFC as described above.
    12. Q: Testing a destination to SAP in SM59 returns  error message " service 'sapdp99' unknown " or " error opening an RFC connection ". How can this be fixed? A: The services file may not be maintained correctly. There are several options:
      a) Add the entry sapdp99    3299/tcp  in the 'services' file of the customer system, which is usually UNIX: /etc/service , NT: <windir>\system32\drivers\etc\services. ( 3299 is the port number and tcp is the protocol) This method should be preferred to option b).
      b) (ii) Alternatively you can change from 'sapdp99' to '3299' directly in the destination. If this information is not sufficient to fix the problem please open a message in component XX-SER-NET.
    13. Q: Can I force the Task Processor background job to run on a particular instance? A: Yes, provided the below conditions apply. To execute a Task Processor job succesfully an instance has to fulfill two conditions
  • a background process of class 'C' has to be available
  • the connection to the target system has to be functional from this instance.
              To identify which instances can be used to succesfully run the Task Processor background job you can follow this path:
SDCCN -> Goto -> Settings -> Task Processor -> Job settings -> Check hosts. Select the destination you wish to check against -> Confirm
The check will bring back a list of instances.For each you can see if a 'ping' was succesful, and if background processes exist.
At the bottom of the list instances which meet both prerequisites are listed.
In SDCCN -> Goto -> Settings -> Task Processor -> Job settings -> Target host you can use the F4 help to choose a host which fullfills the above prerequisites.
Deactivate the Task Processor. Maintain the target host as described above. Reactivate the Task Processor.
All future tasks will be executed on the maintained target host.
    14. Q: In the log for the task 'Service Preparation Check' I find errors about a failed attempt to connect to SAP. What should be done? A: Destination SAPNET_RTCC is used by RTCCTOOL, which executes the 'Service Preparation Check'. SAPNET_RTCC gets created automatically when RTCCTOOL connect to OSS the first time. After an update of SAPOSS via TA OSS1  SAPNET_RTCC does NOT get updated automatically. The easiest way to ensure it is updated correctly is to delete the destination and then to recreate it via: SAPNET_RTCC: SE38 -> RTCCTOOL or executing a task 'Service Preparation Check' .
    15. Q: A task 'Data request' was performed. The log for this task shows warnings and/or error messages for some function modules. Where can I find information about these? A1: In the log please double click on the exception for the     function module. Many function modules provide a helptext. A2: For some function modules the responsible developer has documented     the problem in a note, which can be found by a note search. A3: For some function modules documentation has been provided in note     781680.
              Q: A task was not processed at the time it was scheduled for. Why?

A: How close to the scheduled time a task can be processed depends on the frequency of the 'Task processor'. The Task processor can only process tasks in the past. If, for example,the Task processor is scheduled to run only once a day, at 21:14, all the tasks in the to do list , which are in the past, will be processed after 21:14. The sequence in which they are processed is determined by the time they are scheduled for;  the task scheduled for the earliest time is processed first.

    16. Q1: In SDCCN->Task Log, the following message can be seen: Another task processor in same category is running Enqeue for category failed Q2: In SDCCN -> To do you can see that tasks have not been processed A: While tasks are running lock entries have to be set to prevent the same type of task from running at the exact same time. If a task is cancelled it is possible that the lock entry doesn't get deleted, even though the corresponding task isn't running anymore. In such a case, the solution is to delete the lock entry manually. Check if there are any lock entries in sm12 with the following criteria:
    • Table name: /BDL/*
    • Client: *
    • Username:*

      If you find a lock entry, delete it and check if tasks are correctly processed the next time the task processor runs
    17. For security or infrastructure reasons the system does not exchange RFC calls with the outside world. The system cannot use RFC to communicate with the SAP Service System. As a result
  • the session overview cannot be loaded into the system, so that the session list remains empty
  • collected data can't be transferred
  • a Service Definition Refresh can't be performed
              Q: Is there a way out of this?

A1: Yes. If the session is to be performed in the customers own SAP Solution Manager, in a satellite which has no connection to that SAP Solution Manager, the process is described in SAP Note 657306.
Concerning the Service Definition Refresh:
Please follow note 727998, which explains how to completely replace the service definitions for all possible combinations, with the relevant transport.

A2: Yes. If the session is to be performed at SAP  ( OSP):
The data can be sent to sapservX, the Service Engineer performing the session then creates an IT/IBC message to get the data transferred to the system he performs the session in. Please note that the Service Engineer will have to give you the session number as it is
defined at SAP.

      a) Create a task 'Request session data' (non-periodic) of the same type as the upcoming service session. Schedule this to be executed 'now'. Make a note of the session number that is allocated.
      b) When this task has been executed, create a second task 'Export data to file'. For the 'Original session number' use the session number of the above data request task. For the 'Target session number' you should use the session number that is defined for this session at SAP ( The Service Engineer can supply this. Use a prefix of 000). An information window will pop up which documents the location of the new file with the exported data. This location is also documented in the log for this task 'Export session data'. g) Now the file has to be transported to the SAP system. Please contact the Service Engineer performing the session. She will provide a link ( via SAPMats) to which you can upload the file. The process will then be continued internally; the Service Engineer can use note 588128 for information on how to continue the process. If there are problems with performing the ftp to sapservX you should make the data available to  the Service Engineer performing the session, so that he can then perform the ftp himself. Please note that from this point on it takes 24 hrs to get the data into the correct system at SAP, so the process must be started in good time before the session. Please note also that this method is not primarily meant for customers with 'bad' lines. In case of such a line, please try to solve the problem first by reducing the RFC packet size using 'Maintenance -> Customizing -> General -> Block size for one RFC'
      c) Concerning the Service Definition Refresh: Please follow note 727998, which explains how to completely replace the service definitions for all possible combinations, with the relevant transport.

SAP Note 216952 - Service Data Control Center (SDCC) - FAQ


For the planned execution of a service session at SAP, you want to provide SAP with statistical data on the use of the R/3 System. For this purpose you want  to use the Service Data Control Center
(Transaction SDCC)
Operating instructions for SDCC are available in the attached document.
For questions regarding SDCCN please refer to note 763561.
Typical problems with SDCC are described below.

Other terms
RFC Download, EarlyWatch, GoingLive Check, Service, EarlyWatch Alert,
SDCC, Data Collection, Data Transfer, Solution Manager

Reason and Prerequisites
While using the Service Data Control Center (SDCC) for preparation of a pending EarlyWatch, GoingLive check session, or similar, you have encountered  problems

Do not import any transport files containing SDCC into systems with R/3 Releases 6* and higher, and/or systems where ST-PI has already been implemented.

Below you will find a list of answers to question which are often raised in connection with the Service Data Control Center.

    1. Q: Which version of the Service Data Control Center should I use, SDCC or SDCCN? A: SDCCN is the newer version, this should be activated, especially in SAP Solution Manager systems where SDCCN controls the data collections for NON-ABAP satellite systems. You can find information about SDCCN in SAP Note 763561. SDCC should only be used if it is not possible to activate SDCCN. SAP Note 792941 explains which formats have been used to deliver the Service Data Control Center for the different basis releases.
    2. Basic use of SDCC Q: How does one download a session with SDCC? A: To use SDCC successfully it is important that the preparations described in note 91488 have been executed. the newest version of SDCC. a) Call Transaction SDCC. You may be prompted with two pop-ups which ask if you would like to run a Service Preparation Check and/or if you would like to schedule the Automatic Session Manager (see below). SERVICE PREPARATION CHECK: This will take you to RTCCTOOL; a tool which lists which notes may yet have to be implemented to obtain the best possible data collection (see note 69455). Skipping this step by hitting the 'No' button means that you can perform a download, but you can not be sure that all necessary notes have been implemented. You may find errors in the data collection message log which could have been avoided. ASM: This functionality should be scheduled as follows: AUTOMATIC SESSION MANAGER (ASM) The easiest method to use SDCC for service data collection and transfer is to use the Automatic Session Manager (ASM). The ASM is a periodic background job which you can trigger as follows: I. Call Transaction SDCC. II. In the menu, select 'Autom. Sess. Manager' -> Controls. III. Enter the start date and time. Please choose a time when the load on the system is low. Please avoid times when other jobs start (i.e choose 00:17:47 rather than 00:00:00). Enter also the ASM period. Please run the ASM daily. IV. Select the pushbutton 'Schedule the ASM'. Use of the ASM is strongly recommended. EARLYWATCH ALERT SERVICE. The ASM should be active for this service to be supported sufficiently. Please refer to note 91488 and note 207223 for further details on Earlywatch Alert. a) A list display containing the session you would like to perform should appear after the first run of the ASM. If the session is not there, use 'Maintenance -> Refresh -> Session overview' to load it. If it still doesn't appear, check below for possible error sources. (questions 2 ff.). b) If the session you plan to prepare has overall status 'green' it means that either the ASM or a member of the SAP Service Delivery Team have already completed the download for this session. If the status is not 'green' proceed by selecting the session in the list. c) Then click on the button ' Download'. In the pop-up that appears you can choose to either schedule the download immediately, or at a time of your choice. This should only be necessary if the ASM is not set up. d) If you have chosen to do the download immediately, a little red and white propeller icon appears while the download is running. You can follow it's progress in the main SDCC message log (Information -> Display message log ) or the session message log (double click on the relevant 'paper' icon at the right hand side of the session overview). e) After the download is complete, the propeller icon disappears and is replaced (after a screen refresh) by a status light for data collection, data transfer and overall status. Mostly the transfer status is 'green'.The data collection status is occasionally yellow or red. This does not mean that data collection on customer systems has failed altogether (see below for details). In most cases the majority of data has been collected and may well be sufficient to perform a session.
    3. SERVICE DEFINITION REFRESH A regular service definition refresh from SAPNET R/3 Frontend (formerly OSS) is recommended for systems on basis release 4.x with ST-PI, and systems on basis release 6.x. You can refresh the service definitions by calling 'SDCC -> Maintenance -> Refresh ->  Service Definitions'.You should check in the main message log if  this was done successfully. Systems on basis release 4.x without ST-PI MUST not refresh the Service Definitions from SAPNET R/3 Frontend after April 2004, as this will cause a shortdump. Note 713674 must be implemented to prevent or repair this. Also systems on basis release 3.x  MUST not refresh the Service Definitions from SAPNET R/3 Frontend after April 2004, as this will cause a shortdump.SDCC then probably can not be used anymore. Note 712757 must be implemented to prevent or repair this. Whenever in the following text a service definition refresh is recommended please check the above text for the appropriate action.
    4. Session data have not arrived in the Solution Manager system Q: I have downloaded data from the satellite system without apparent errors, yet no download can be found in the Solution Manager. A: Please ensure that you are using the current version of SDCC, at least version 2.3 (see note 91488). Please ensure also that the destination which connects the satellite system to the Solution Manager system is set up according to the instructions in the Solution Manager Installation Guide. Please ensure also that the user in this destination has been given the necessary authorisations (see the Installation Guide as well as note 546283).
    5. Q: I have collected data for a session, but when I drill down in the download in the Service Data Viewer I get the error message No logical functional names found for current select'. Has data been collected? A: The Service Data Viewer in certain releases (see below) can  not display download data if the server name contains an '_' (underscore). Please check the SDCC message log for this  session. If there is no error message regarding the function module, the data was collected. In this case there should be no problem for the system were the session is performed. Another option is to rename the server, and collect data again when enough data has been accumulated under the new server name. ST-PI 003D_4* , Support package 30 (610) and  20 (620 ) will contain the new Service Data Viewer 2.0, where this problem has been resolved. The problem can occur in Release 4.X Solution Tools Plug-In  (Version A, B and C), Release 610 (Basis Support Package 23-29), Release 620 (Basis Support Package 8-19)
    6. During a data collection an error message or a warning for a particular function module appears in the SDCC session log. Q: Where can I find more information about this? A: For more information about problems with function modules please refer to note 781680.
    7. Q: You try to use SDCC  but fail with a shortdump CONNE_ILLEGAL_TRANSPORT_VERS. A: Systems on Basis Release 3.x and systems on Basis Release 4.x without ST-PI MUST NOT refresh their Service Definitions from SAPNET R/3 Frontend ( formerly OSS) anymore. If they do, the above shortdump occurs, SDCC can not be used anymore. Systems on Basis Release 3.x : Please advise the customer to implement note 712757 Systems on Basis Release 4.x without ST-PI Please advise the customer to implement note 713674
    8. Shortdump CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_COMP_LENG (Error when attempting to IMPORT object "BDL_TABLE" ) Q: Either when trying to do a Service Definition Refresh (Maintenance -> Refresh -> Servive Definitions), when calling Transaction SDCC, or at the start of each ASM run I get a short dump. A: Please get the newest version of SDCC implemented, at least version 2.3. The service definitions should be  maintained as described in Question 2 of this note, (SERVICE DEFINITION REFRESH)
    9. Faulty initialization of SDCC for R/3 release 4.6D Q: When I run SDCC on a 4.6D system I get error messages like "RFC dest. CSD : does not exist" and plenty of type 'D' messages in the SDCC Message Log. A: Please implement the newest version of SDCC, at least version 2.3.
    10. "No valid service" in SDCC Message Log Q: "No valid service" appears in SDCC Message Log during report BDLCOLL. Data collections fails because of this error. A: It is likely that the service definition tables are not filled. Please ensure that the newest version of SDCC is implemented, at least version 2.3. The service definitions should be  maintained as described in Question 2 of this note, (SERVICE DEFINITION REFRESH)
    11. No authorization to perform a 'Service Definition Refresh' (R/3 >=4.6B) Q: When I try to use 'Maintenance ->Refresh -> Service Definitions' I am prompted with the message ' You do not have customizing permission', and the refresh is not carried out. A: Please note that Service Definitions may only be refreshed on systems with basis release 4.x with ST-PI, and basis release 6.x. For all other systems please switch off the service definition refreshes as described in notes 712757 or 713674, as appropriate. For systems where service definition refreshes are allowed please ensure that your user has the profile 'S_SDCC_ADMIN'. Alternatively use transaction SE38 and call report BDLTRA (/BDL/TRA if SDCC has been implemented by ST-PI, see note 91488).
    12. Error in RFC destination of SDCC (CSD_PETER) - 4.6B customers only Q: How can I fix the faulty RFC destination? A: Please implement the newest SDCC version, at least version 2.3. Before changing the SDCC version, please fix the destination as described in note 209203.
    13. Problems with systems on Basis Rel 3.0D Q: On this system calling SDCC results in syntax errors being displayed. A: Please implement SDCC version 2.3, and maintain the Service definitions as described in note 712757.
    14. No authorization to call SDCC (R/3 release >= 4.6B) Q: How can I get the missing authorization to call SDCC? A: If your user contains the profile SAP_ALL, you should have no problems. If you do not have SAP_ALL, please add S_SDCC_ADMIN into the profile list for your user.
    15. Q: ASM schedules several SASM_<sessionnr>_COLL_TRANS  jobs for one session. The jobs interrupt each other, in the SDCC message log you find the error  > collect/transfer jobs for session already active A: The background job AUTO_SESSION_MANAGER carries out multiple scheduling of sessions.  The job does not query the complete time window asking whether a SASM_*_COLL_TRANS job already exists. Please refer to the solution in note 624427.
    16. RFC breakdown just after the ASM has started Q: In the SDCC message log the entry " Maximale Anzahl von CPIC-Clients erreiched " oder " Maximum number of CPIC-clients reached " appears. How can this be fixed? A: There can be several reasons for this: a) If it happens during the run of the Automatic Session Manager: The default starting time for the ASM was 22:00:00 for SDCC up to version 2.0. So, if the starting time is not changed before the ASM is started, it will attempt a Service Definition Refresh through an RFC call to OSS every day shortly after 22:00. If too many customers attempt such a call at the same time, there can be an overload on OSS. To avoid this, please delete the next ASM job, using 'Autom. Sess. Manager -> Controls (leads you to sm37), and reschedule it at another time. Please choose a time when there is little load on the system. NOTE: Service definitions should be only be refreshed from OSS where appropriate, as described in Question 2 of this note, (SERVICE DEFINITION REFRESH) b) Otherwise, the logon group for the RFC destination SAPOSS may not be used properly. To force the system to use it, go into 'SDCC->Maintenance->Customizing->General' and
  • if the input box for 'Logon group' is empty, fill in 'EWA'.
  • if the input box for 'Logon group' already contains 'EWA', and the box for 'RFC destination' contains SAPOSS, replace SAPOSS with SAPNET_RFC.
    17. RFC destination SAPOSS works, it's copy SAPNET_RFC does not work Q: I get connection errors in SM59 RFC destination SAPNET_RFC. Therefore data transfer to SAP or service definition refreshes fail. A: Please note that only systems on basis release 4.x with ST-PI and systems on basis release 3.x  may refresh service definitions from SAPNET R/3 Frontend (OSS). For all other systems please check Question 2 of this note, (SERVICE DEFINITION REFRESH) SAPNET_RFC is a copy of SAPOSS which uses load balancing through logon group EWA. It is created automatically by SDCC. If, however, SAPOSS is changed ( for example, if the 'Message Server' string there is changed, or because the entries 'Technical parameters' in transaction OSS1 were updated) it is necessary to adjust SAPNET_RFC. You can do this by simply deleting SAPNET_RFC. A fresh copy of SAPOSS will be created when SDCC tries to connect to SAP. If this does not work, and you get an error of type "hostname ... unknown/CPI-C error CM_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_ERROR" you should refer to note 316221 for advice.
    18. Submitting the data collection or transfer background job fails Q: When going through the standard procedure of collecting or transmitting data, an error message 'error during JOB_CLOSE, see SYSLOG' appears, and no job is submitted. A: Both the collection of session data and its transfer to the SAP Service System are done through class C background work processes. Usually the customer system looks for any free background work process on any server and starts the collections and/or transfer jobs there. Problems can occur when:
  • the 'Background server' parameter in 'Maintenance -> Remote Environment -> Default destinations' is not empty but set to a server that doesn't exist anymore, contains no background work processes, whose background work processes have been removed, or whose background work processes do not permit class C background jobs.
  • on the entire system all background work processes are in use.
  • the user under which the background work process is scheduled does not have authorization to do so (the user EARLYWATCH can have this problem). If the background work processes you tried to start (Session -> Display -> Coll./trans. jobs) are in status 'SCHEDULED' and you try to release them, you'll get an error message.
    19. Run of AUTO_SESSION_MANAGER failed ( in R/3 rel 4.*) Q: During run of ASM following error message is shown in job log (SM37): "Variant &0000000000000 does not exist" A: Go to transaction sm37, select job AUTO_SESSION_MANAGER. Select the next future job ( there should be only one). Go into change mode (Job -> Change). Then press button 'Steps'. Select program name (BDLATRUN or /BDL/ATRUN with ST-PI) and go to Change mode. Change field entry "Parameters" from  &0000000000000 to 'Space' and save. Subsequent ASM jobs should be executed without the paramater, and run through.
    20. Oracle error 1039 and/or 942 appear in the SYSLOG during execution of a SDCC download Q: While the SDCC report BDLCOLL is running Oracle error 1039 and/or 942 appears in the SYSLOG (Datenbankfehler 1039, Datenbankfehler 942). What should be done? A: These errors occur when the function module SQL_CACHE_ANALYSIS_READ is called. This module calls a kernel C routine which make EXPLAINs on SQL statements. The kernel routine returns the error codes. This SYSLOG entry causes no disruption for the Service. It also causes no short-dumps. Therefore it can be ignored. PLease see also note 200463. .
    21. Data collection gets stuck Q: What should I do when a data collection is going on for a long time (hours), or simply stops without the 'Data collection completed' entry in the SDCC Message Log? A: Data collection can take very long when, for example, the system consists of many servers, or the system performance is poor. However, it is possible that some of the function modules called by SDCC lead to errors, very long loop times etc. These errors can occur in a variety of circumstances which need to be examined on a case by case basis. They often indicate some general problems in the system, or in some of the function modules called. If they are not contained in the scenarios outlined below you should seek specialist advice by opening a message in component SV-SMG-SDD. a)SDCC batch jobs fails. Typically the SYSLOG (SM21) contains an error message of type "F61 K TemSe input/output to unopened file". In SM37 (SDCC -> Session -> Display -> Coll./trans.) I get the error "Error occurred when reading job log JOBLGX...X"  when I try to look at the job log. Please refer to Note 21661. Further information is, if required, in Note 48400. If the problem is a full file system, please refer to Note 16513. b) If the system has R/3 release 3.0D have a look in transaction ST22. Look for short dumps 'CALL_FUNCTION_PARM_MISSING' for the user who is running SDCC. If the error analysis shows that the error occured while calling function 'DDIF_NAMETAB_GET', parameter "X031L_TAB", the situation is as follows: The version of the DDIC function module 'DDIF_NAMETAB_GET' is not up to date.  For old R/3 releases in function 'DDIF_NAMETAB_GET' (it is used to get DDIC information) the 'optional' flag is not set for tables parameter "X031L_TAB". Solution:  Set the tables parameter "X031L_TAB" of function 'DDIF_NAMETAB_GET' optional and generate the function. After that  you can run transaction SDCC as normal. c) For AS400 systems data collection stops, and in the SYSLOG (SM21) an entry appears "DB error -901 at DEL access to ...". Solution: A DB patch is required. The customer should seek specialist AS400 advice through a message in component BC-DB-DB4.
    22. RFC destination not found in SDCC Q: When trying to transfer data in SDCC the following messages appear.    -  No data transfer possible: destination info not found    -  No RFC destination found: transfer not possible   in the SDCC Message Log and the data are not transferred. A: Please check if the RFC destination has been accepted by SDCC. Highlight the session, then do 'Maintenance -> Remote Environment -> Custom target dest.' If no target destination is implemented, you can do it in this screen for this single session. If you need a general solution for future sessions please do 'Maintenance-> Remote environment -> Default target destination'. Here you have to change the current destinations to any different destination and save. After this you have to reimplement the original destination once again. Please check again if the RFC destination has now been accepted ( check as described above). If this does not work, please open a message in component SV-SMG-SDD.
    23. RFC errors Q: I tried to refresh the 'Service definitions' and/or the 'Session overview' but I am prompted with errors 'Session update via RFC failed' (SD-140) and/or 'Service definition update via RFC failed' (SD-141). or Data collection was successful, but data transfer failed (RFC problems) NOTE: Service definitions should be only be refreshed from OSS where appropriate, as described in Question 2 of this note, (SERVICE DEFINITION REFRESH) A: Ideally the system should have a working RFC connection from each of its servers to the SAP Service System. You can check whether this is the case by using Transaction SM59 -> R/3 destinations, then choosing SAPOSS and doing 'Test -> Authorisation'. From SDCC version 1.7 on, a tool for checking RFC destination SAPOSS is available through Information -> Service prep. check -> Status of RFC dest. (from outside SDCC it can be called through Transaction SE38 -> BDLPING(or /BDL/PING,if SDCC was implemented with ST-PI)) A list with SAP instances is displayed, and for each instance it is shown whether a) there are background work processes on the instance (key functions of SDCC run as background jobs!) b) whether the RFC connections to SAPOSS/SAPNET_RFC are working. (Please note that this only checks if a 'ping ' can be exchanged,  not the authorization of the user sending it. Please check Question 29 for information on how to maintain the destinations.) What you need is an instance where both these requirements are rated 'green'; the server assigned to that instance can be used by SDCC. Case 1: Some servers have functional SAPOSS RFC destinations If a working SAPOSS RFC destination exists in one server (but not in others) and this server contains background work processes, this server can be explicity set in 'Maintenance -> Customizing -> General' under 'Background server' for use by SDCC. This makes sure that the SDCC core data collection and transfer processes can run and that the 'Session Overview Refresh' that is triggered by the ASM is working. In terms of doing a Service Definition Refresh, or a Session Overview Refresh (which run on dialog work processes), you have to switch to a usable server with Transaction SM51. NOTE: Service definitions should be only be refreshed from OSS where appropriate, as described in Question 2 of this note, (SERVICE DEFINITION REFRESH) If a working RFC destination exists in one server but this server does not contain background work processes, you can call report BDLSEND (/BDL/SEND where SDCC is implemented by ST-PI) with SE38 on the functional server and transmit data manually. In the input screen for BDLSEND (or /BDL/SEND...) you usually only need to fill the fields SESSNR (with .Sess. num..), MANDANT (with the .Ext..) and DEST (with the RFC Destination   in 'Maintenance -> Customizing -> General'). However, this should only be done as an exception! For the normal use of the Earlywatch Alert a sufficient number of background work processes should be set up. Case 2: No server has a functional SAPOSS RFC destination If the system has no working SAPOSS RFC destination it can have a number of reasons (see Note 33135, Appendix A): I. Error ' service sapdp99 unknown' or 'error opening an RFC connection'occurs The services file may not be maintained correctly. (i) Add the entry sapdp99    3299/tcp  in the 'services' file of the customer system which is usually UNIX: /etc/service , NT: <windir>\system32\drivers\etc\services. (If it is not already there; here 3299 is the port number and tcp is the protocol) This method should be preferred to option ii). (ii) Alternatively you can change from 'sapdp99' to '3299' directly in SAPOSS. After this you can proceed as in case 1. II. If there is a saprouter or firewall problem (route permission denied) The file saprouttab is not correct, refer to note 30289. If all efforts fail, please open a message (component BC-MID-RFC).
    24. Dedicated background server can't be set in SDCC Q: After entering the dedicated background server in SDCC -> Maintenance-> Remote Environment -> Default Target Destinations, and leaving the window with the OK Button the server name is automatically changed into capital letters. This makes processing of the download in the background impossible. In some cases warnings in SDCC log appear : "ASM: SASM_Z0000000xx_COLL_TRANS failed". The reason for this warning is that the job SASM_Z0000000xx_COLL_TRANS is scheduled without a start date and time due to the badly implemented background server. What can be done? A: Please implement the latest SDCC version, at least SDCC 2.3 (see note91488). If the problem persists, please open a message in component SV-SMG-SDD.
    25. Getting kicked out of SDCC immediately after calling it Q: After calling SDCC a pop up shows up : " YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO LOG ON TO TARGET SYSTEM" or "KEINE BERECHTIGUNG ZUR ANMELDUNG AM ZIELSYSTEM" before throwing me out. What should I do? A: The RFC destinations SAPOSS or SAPNET_RFC are not properly maintained, most likely because the user or password are not maintained correctly.You will find information about how to maintain these destinations correctly in the next question.
    26. SAPOSS, SAPNET_RFC, SAPNET_RTCC are not properly maintained Q: These destinations look unusual in SM59; is there a template I can check them against? A: SAPOSS is configured automatically on the basis of data in OSS1. If SAPOSS isn´t working, please make sure that the entries for 'Technical settings' in OSS1 are correct. Refer to Notes 33135 and 30289 for more information on OSS1. To ensure SAPOSS is maintained with 'load distribution' set to 'yes', please follow note 766505. SAPNET_RFC and SAPNET_RTCC are copies of SAPOSS. They get created automatically when the tools SDCC (SAPNET_RFC) and RTCCTOOL ( SAPNET_RTCC) connect to OSS the first time. They get created with 'Loadbalancing' switched on. This makes the entry in the field 'Target Host' appear very short - please note that the full string as described below can only be maintained if 'Loadbalancing' is set to 'No'. Please note that after an update of SAPOSS via TA OSS1 the client may change to 000 - please update this manually to 001. Also, after an update of SAPOSS via TA OSS1 SAPNET_RFC and SAPNET_RTCC do NOT get updated automatically. The easiest way to ensure they are updated correctly is to delete both destinations, and then start a connection to OSS from the tools ( SAPNET_RFC: SDCC -> Maintenance -> Refresh -> Service Overview. SAPNET_RTCC: SE38 -> RTCCTOOL) Often ( but not always - systems with 2 saprouters can be different) the parameters of a working SAPOSS or SAPNET_RFC destination (where Load balancing is set to 'No' ) are set up like this:
  • Target host: /H/X1/S/sapdp99/H/X2/S/sapdp99/H/oss001
    X1 = customer saprouter IP address
    X2 = IP address of sapservX

    possible entries for sapservX:
    sapserv1 ( Internet VPN connection
    sapserv2 (  Internet SNC connection
    sapserv3 (    for customers connected to Germany.
    sapserv4 (    for customers in Americas.
    sapserv5 (    for customers connected to Japan.
    sapserv6 (  for Australia and New Zealand customers.
    sapserv7 (   for Asia customers.
  • System number = 01
  • Client = 001
  • User = OSS_RFC
  • Password = CPIC
  • Client = 001
  • User = ST14_RTCC
  • Password gets set automatically when the destination is created. In case of problems with the password please delete SAPNET_RTCC and recreate it.
    27. Data transfer job aborts with a short dump TSV_NEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED Q: When I collect and transfer data for a download the SDCC message log shows that data collection is ok, but ends with 'Data transfer started'. Additionally a short dump TSV_NEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED is created ( see ST22) and the transfer job is aborted. A: In table BDLCUST (/BDL/CUST where SDCC has been implemented via ST-PI) the entry for SENDSTYL has to be changed from SINGLE_RFC to MULTIPLE_RFC. You can do this in SE38, with report BDLSETUP (/BDL/SETUP where SDCC has been implemented by ST-PI), using KEY : SENDSTYL and VALUE: MULTIPLE_RFC. Then delete the data collection from the download viewer and redo the complete download. For more details, especially regarding ADDON data see note 312834.
    28. RFC related errors Q1: While collecting data the message log shows the following error:    -  <function name> : no matching interface found    -  BDL_GET_DDIC_INFO exception 2 wrong_function_parameter A: On systems with more than one server each server should have the same entry in the 'services' file for the message server. Change  the entry 'sapms<SID>' of the 'services' file on all servers of the system to the identical value '36xx/tcp' (xx is a two digit number), The 'services' file is usually UNIX: /etc/service , NT: <windir>\system32\drivers\etc\services. Q2: ST22 shows ABAP runtime errors ´RFC_NO_AUTHORITY´ for the user that executed SDCC. User ´...´ has no RFC authorization for function group ´BDL...´. A: The user authorizations have to be adjusted accordingly.
    29. Transport errors ( ONLY relevant if SDCC was implemented by note 560630 - NEVER if it was implemented with ST-PI) Q: Implementing transport SAPKVSDB* ended with RC8, and the following message: BDLFUVER2 table class is 'L'. Entries must not be replaced. A: Please re-implement the transport with unconditional mode u168. Please be careful NEVER to implement any transport containing SDCC into a system where ST-PI has already been implemented, or in a system with R/3 release 6*.
    30. For security or infrastructure reasons the system does not exchange RFC calls with the outside world. Q: The system cannot use RFC to communicate with the SAP Service System. As a result
  • the session overview cannot be loaded into the system, so that the session list remains empty
  • collected data can't be transferred
  • a Service Definition Refresh can't be performed

    Is there a way out of this?

    A: Yes. The data can be sent to sapservX, the Service Engineer performing the session then creates an IT/IBC message to get the data transferred to the system he performs the session in. Please note that the Service Engineer will have to give you the session number as it is
    defined at SAP.

    a) Call Session -> Create -> Internal Session. A window appears.

    In the field 'Session number' any number (that has not been used before) can be typed in.

    In the field #Session type# the relevant session type has to be selected. Then push the green check icon at the bottom of the window.

    b) The newly created session should now appear in the session overview.

    c) Highlight that session.

    d) Click on the 'Download' button. A window appears. In this window de-select(!) the 'Transfer  ...' field and click on the 'Start task(s) immediately' button.

    e) Now watch the Message Log with Information -> Display Message Log until the 'Data collection completed' entry comes up.

    f) Once this is done, please do the following:
    Highlight the session, then do:
    'Session -> Process -> Export data to file'
    A window comes up.

    At the bottom of it you see two pairs of session numbers. On the left side is the imaginary number the you made  up; on the right hand side the session number as it is defined for this session at SAP must be entered.
    For the 'Destination extension' use '000' (three zeros) and click the green check icon. At the bottom of the screen and in the message log a file path will appear. This file path indicates the location of the file that contains the session data.

    g) Now the file has to be transported to the SAP system:
    Please contact the Service Engineer performing the session. He will provide a link ( via SAPMats)  to which you can upload the file.The process will then be continued internally; the Service Engineer can use note 588128 for information on how to continue the process.

    Please note that from this point on it takes 24 hrs to get the data into the correct system at SAP, so the process must be started in good time before the session.

    Please note also that this method is not primarily meant for customers with 'bad' lines. In case of such a line, please try to solve the problem first by reducing the RFC packet size using 'Maintenance ->
    Customizing -> General -> Block size for one RFC'

    i) Concerning the Service Definition Refresh:
    Please follow note 727998, which explains how to completely replace the service definitions for all possible combinations, with the relevant transport.

SAP Note 990856 - FAQ: Transferring measurement results from LAW


    1. The transfer of the consolidated measurement results to SAP using transaction SDCC or SDCCN fails, although the traffic light in the transfer log is green. In the SDCC log, you find that the problem is due to the exception DATA_INCOMPLETE when executing the function module LAW_GET_MEAS_DATA_FOR_TRANSFER.
    2. The transfer of the consolidated measurement results to SAP using transaction SDCC or SDCCN no longer works in Release 7.00 as of Support Package 6.  The LAW transfer log does not report any errors. You see that the data package is empty only when you try to display the data transferred in the SDCC or SDCCN administration,
    3. When you change from SDCC to SDCCN, the transfer to SAP no longer works.
    4. When you try to initiate a new data transfer to SAP, the system issues the message: "Data has already been passed to SDCC for transport to SAP" or "Data has already been successfully sent to SAP".
    5. When you try to initiate a new data transfer to SAP, the system issues the message: "Internal error: could not create the SDCCN session (5, Z000000001)", whereby the values in parentheses may vary.
Other terms
License Administration Workbench, 108

Reason and Prerequisites
Cause of symptom 1: Note 858771
Cause of symptom 2: Note 949814
Cause of symptom 3: Note 861753
Cause of symptom 4: Note 990570
Cause of symptom 5: The component SDCCN is set incorrectly. The first value in parentheses has the following meaning:
1 = Background job could not be created
2 = Invalid data
3 = The service type is unknown
4 = Insertion of the session failed
5 = Destination is invalid
6 = Internal error
7 = The session number already exists
8 = The service type is not allowed

Solution for symptom 1: Note 858771
Solution for symptom 2: Note 949814
Solution for symptom 3: Note 861753
Solution for symptom 4: Note 990570
Solution for symptom 5: Note 763561
Alternative solution:
If the aforementioned notes do not provide the desired solution, proceed in accordance with Note 1226944. The measurement files can also be transferred as a text file by e-mail to SAP, instead of via the SDCC/N connection.

Affected Releases

SAP Note 455356 - Requirements for System Monitoring in Solution Manager

System Monitoring doesn't work in SAP Solution Manager

Other terms
Solution Manager, System Monitoring, CSMREG user, S_CSMREG, CCMS.

Reason and Prerequisites
System Monitoring is available within SAP Solution Manager Release 2.1. It's required, that CCMS is activated on all satellite systems of the SAP Solution Manager, you want to monitor. This is the default setting for R/3 systems with release 4.X and higher.

1. To use System Monitoring in Solution Manager you need to have CSMREG user with appropiate authorizations in all monitored systems.
This user is used to get monitoring data from CCMS via a remote access.
The user is not created automatically.

1.1 Check existence of profile

- Check the existence of authorization profile S_CSMREG in the system. Verify that profile S_CSMREG contains the authorization objects listed below and adjust if necessary.
If S_CSMREG does not exist create a profil and assign the objects listed below.

- The authorization object S_CCM_RECV does not exist in R/3 Releases 4.6B and lower. In this case, it's not required to assign it to the
authorization object.

- Assign the second authorization object (S_RFC) to the authorization object

1.2 Create the CSMREG User.
Afterwards create CSMREG user, assign the profile you have created as described above to this user and select type COMMUNICATION for the user in the systems with release 4.6X-6.X or type CPIC in the systems with lower releases.

1.3 Required user profile with the following authorizations:

Authorization object            Field        Value
S_CCM_RECV (for rel. >=4.6X)     ACTVT        P0-P2
                                TABLE        *
S_RFC (for all releases)         RFC_TYPE     FUGR
                                RFC_NAME     SALC
                                              URFC  (for rel. >=6.20)
                                              SLCA (for rel. >=4.6C)
                                ACTVT        16
S_RZL_ADM                        ACTVT        01

1.4 As of release 3.1 of SAP Solution Manager the user profile "S_CUS_CMP" must be added to the CSMREG user account !!!

2. Systems with release 3.X don't have CCMS infrastructure and therefore you have to install special CCMS agent on these systems to monitor them. The procedure how to install such agents is described in SAP Note 308061.

3. Important: Usage of CSMREG user in RFC-Connections
Use CSMREG user only in one from two RFC-Connections, which are used in the Solution Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager. The second RFC-Connection, which is used for running analysis methods should use normal dialog user.For details read the help texts in the "Setup System Monitoring" session in SAP Solution Manager.

4. If you have received a message that RFC call can't be executed while you are using System Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager, apply last Solution Tools Plug-In (ST-PI) on all monitored system (see SAP Note 116095). The missing functions modules are included in ST-PI.

Affected Releases