SAP GRC Risk Management 10.0 Release Restriction Note
Other terms
Release restriction, installation, upgrade, prerequisites ,SAP GRC Risk Management 10.0
Reason and Prerequisites
At the time of the release of SAP GRC Risk Manangement 10.0 restrictions existed concerning the productive usage of certain functions on which SAP provides customer information in this note.
The status of the following information corresponds to the date of the last change of this note. Statements made here, especially those referring to availability dates, reflect current planning and are subject to change without prior notice.
Open Limitation(s)
Release with approval of SAP or after consultation with SAP
Limitation on "Graphical View"
The productive use of the “Graphical View” in Risk Management is currently limited to the shipped standard Business Configuration (BC) Sets for Risk Analysis Profiles. This includes the use of the "Graphical View" to create a new risk in Risks and Opportunities "Using Graphical View", "With Risk Template using Graphical View" and the review/update of risk details from the risk maintenance (Switch to Graphical View). The standard BC Sets for the Analysis Profiles can be reviewed in IMG (transaction spro) > Governance, Risk and Compliance > Risk Management > Risk and Opportunity Analysis > Maintain Analysis Profile. The standard BC Set contains the following profiles. 1. Qualitative analysis profile (0000000001) 2. Quantitative analysis profile (0000000002) 3. Scoring analysis profile (0000000003) For other analysis profiles the "Graphical View" might lead to application errors (short dumps), display wrong or misleading information for a risk or even create inconsistent information in the database when editing risk and analysis information. Customers are recommended to use the risk maintenance from "Risk and Opportunities".
( Changed at 20.06.2011 )
No release
Limitation on BW extraction
Due to changes in the risk analysis the extraction of information for the Risk Management BW Content shipment (BW 7.04 SP4) is not working. Customers are requested to use the shipped Risk Management online reports until a fix for the BW extractors is provided.
( Changed at 20.06.2011 )
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