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Friday, May 11, 2012

SAP Note 16083 - Standard jobs, reorganization jobs (Part II)

(Part I Continuation)

Clients and authorizations

Some of the jobs specified work with client-specific objects (for example, jobs). Whether a reorganization has any cross-client influence then normally depends on particular authorizations. The following table displays all of the client-dependent jobs. All of the other jobs are not client-dependent.

Job name:

Jobs that are not client-dependent perform a reorganization in all affected clients. They require neither special authorizations nor a special user name.
The job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR must always be scheduled in client 000 with user DDIC or with a user with the same authorization.

For some jobs, note the following correlations:

  • See SAP Note 784969.
  • Authorization S_ADMI_FCD-S_ADMI_FCD = 'SPAD'
    Reorganization runs in chosen client (Client = '*', then runs in all clients)
  • Authorization S_ADMI_FCD-S_ADMI_FCD = 'SPAR'
    Reorganization only in the client in which the actual job is running
  • Authorization profile S_BDC_MONI - BDCAKTI = 'REOG'
                        S_BDC_MONI - BDCGROUPID = '*'
    Reorganization only in the client in which the job is running


  • The authorizations always relate to the user under whose ID the job is being processed.
  • If this user has the necessary authorizations to work in a cross-client manner, then it does not matter in which client the actual job is running.
  • User ADMIN has the Authorization S_BTCH_ADM = 'Y'. If Job SAP_REORG_JOBS is now scheduled with User ADMIN, the jobs are reorganized in all clients.
  • User REORG has the Authorization profile S_BDC_ALL. If Job SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT is now scheduled with User REORG in Client 002, the batch input objects are reorganized in Client 002.
  • If the job SAP_REORG_ABAPDUMPS is scheduled in any client, all ABAP short dumps are reorganized in all clients.
  • User SPOOLADM has the authorization S_ADMI_FCD-S_ADMI_FCD = 'SPAD'. If the job SAP_REORG_SPOOL is now scheduled with user SPOOLADM and client 123 is specified for the program parameters, then the spool objects in client 123 are reorganized irrespective of the client in which the actual job is running. If you enter '*' as the client, all clients are reorganized.

NOTES: The job steps should be planned using a language that is available in the system. English should be available in every system. However, some of these jobs have steps set by default in German. The following is valid until further notice: the jobs must be modified if necessary when, for example, a Russian code page is used.

This Note is Release-Independent

SAP Note 16083 - Standard jobs, reorganization jobs (Part I)


There are a number of jobs that must periodically run in a live R/3 installation, for example, to delete outdated jobs or spool objects.
As of Release 4.6C, you can easily schedule these jobs as follows:
Transaction sm36, choose 'Standard jobs'.

Unfortunately, there is no easy-to-use support for such jobs within Basis Customizing before Release 4.6C. Therefore, you must schedule the jobs explicitly for these release levels.
This note contains a list of the required programs, their parameters, and the recommended repeat interval. In addition, names are suggested for the required jobs. Adhere to the recommendations, as the naming conventions enable us to check quickly and easily whether these jobs have been activated in your system.
This note applies as of Releases 2.1G and 2.2A.

           Program RSXMILOGREORG is only available as of Release 4.6C.
          In earlier releases, use ZRSXMILOGREORG
           Note 182963
           Program RSAL_BATCH_TOOL_DISPATCHING is only available as
               of Release 4.6A.

Other terms

Reason and Prerequisites
Note: Application-specific reorganization programs are not included in this list.


Job name Program Variant Repeat interval
SAP_REORG_SPOOL RSPO0041/1041 yes daily

In any case, refer to Note 48400 regarding the spool and TemSe
consistency check.


  • SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP is not a reorganization job but is needed to start tools / methods in the system monitoring area in the background -> transaction RZ20/RZ21.
  • SAP_REORG_XMILOG reorganizes the table TXMILOGRAW. This table contains log information on the XMI interface (-> Note 182963).
  • As of Release 4.6A, the job steps are managed separately from the print parameters. This means that report RSBTCDEL no longer deletes any print parameters. Therefore you must additionally schedule the report


    which reorganizes print parameters in a cross-client manner. Since the number of print parameters increases more slowly than the number of background processing steps, you can execute this report after longer periods of time ( longer than one month).
    You must refer to Note 307970 in connection with RSBTCPRIDEL.
  • The job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_NONE_R3_STAT is available as of SAP Web Application Server 6.20 only.
  • On sapserv3, an improved version of RSPO0041 is available with RSPO1041 (Note 130978).
  • In addition, you should regularly run a consistency check of the spooler and the TemSe (Note 48400).
  • Batch input reorganization may not run at the same time as normal batch input activity up to and including SAP Release 30C (see Note 18307). The associated job must be scheduled for a time when no other batch input activity is scheduled.
  • ***** Caution: The standard job SAP_REORG_UPDATERECORDS that was contained in some delivered versions must no longer be executed (see Note 67014). In its new version, the underlying ABAP Program RSM13002 is programmed so that it terminates when running in a job (that is, in the background). Therefore, the job SAP_REORG_UPDATERECORDS always terminates in this case. In any case, the job SAP_REORG_UPDATERECORDS should be deleted from the pool of standard jobs, if it is still there: sm36 -> 'Standard jobs' -> 'Delete standard jobs'. In addition, released jobs that may exist and contain report RSM13002 should be deleted. You can find and delete these jobs using sm37.
  • ***** Caution: The job SAP_WP_CACHE_RELOAD_FULL is normally used to update data from the workplace component system to the workplace server.
    This job can only be run on a workplace server, otherwise it will terminate. In the future, this job will no longer be delivered as a standard job.
    If this job has been scheduled for your system, but you do not need it, delete the scheduled job in transaction sm37.
  • To eliminate ABAP dumps that are created due to runtime errors within an ABAP program, use the program RSSNAPDL. To simplify the related job scheduling, you also have the program RSNAPJOB. This program schedules RSSNAPDL within a job. Implicit assumptions:
  • Job name: RSSNAPDL
  • Variant: DEFAULT (therefore it must exist)
  • Start date : from the following day, 1:00 am
  • Repeat interval: daily
  • Using the Support Packages specified in Note 666290, report RSTS0024 deletes job logs that no longer belong to any job. Contact SAP if you need the report in a release that is not specified in Note 666290.

(Check Next Post)

SAP Note 1265906 - CCMS Central Autoreactions Job: Concurrency Check

The CCMS processes central auto-reactions with job SAP_CCMS_CENSYS_DISPATCHER.  This job ensures that it runs only once at any given time by setting a lock in the NetWeaver enqueue server.
At at least one customer site, the SAP_CCMS_CENSYS_DISPATCHER job failed to complete correctly and remained 'active' for a very long time in the background processing system, retaining its lock in the Enqueue server.
This failure prevented processing of new central automatic reactions until the problem was corrected.

Other terms
central automatic reactions

Reason and Prerequisites
Inadequate error recovery in the SAP_CCMS_CENSYS_DISPATCHER job in the event of problems in the background processing or enqueue server.

Apply the correction in the associated support package or correction.

With the correction, the report RSAL_CENSYS_TOOL_DISPATCHING which runs in the CENSYS job checks the age of the lock that is present in the event that cannot obtain the lock.

If the lock is older than a fixed interval of 850 seconds, then the central system dispatcher ignores the lock and processes any unprocessed central automatic reaction entries in the table CSMCENTOOL.
The central system dispatcher quits, however, without doing any further processing if it determines that there are more than two SAP_CCMS_CENSYS_DISPATCHER jobs running (itself and the stuck job that is holding the lock).  You can monitor for such occurrences by monitoring for aborted SAP_CCMS_CENSYS_DISPATCHER jobs.

Affected Releases

Correction delivered in Support Package

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SAP Note 1381129 - SOLMAN_SETUP: Wrong Step User in Standard Jobs


Standard jobs were scheduled in SAP Solution Manager Configurations - Basic Configuration - Automatic Configuration activity "Schedule Background Jobs".

Some of those jobs abort due to missing authorizations of the step user.

For more information about standard jobs see transaction SM36 - Standard Jobs.

Other terms
SolMan, Setup, Job Scheduling

Reason and Prerequisites
During the execution of the activity "Schedule Background Jobs", the current system user was set as step user instead of a special batch-user.

Implement the correction instruction of this note.
This will fix the error in the coding, so that a batch-user is set as step user when the activity "Schedule Background Jobs" is being executed again.

If those jobs were already scheduled and abort, delete them. After that execute the corresponding activity in SOLMAN_SETUP again so that they will be scheduled again with the correct user.

Caution: The batch-user has to be created in SOLMAN_SETUP before executing this activity! Otherwise the needed user is not known during the configuration.

Affected Releases

Correction delivered in Support Package

Corrections Instructions
01.09.2009  11:56:31

SAP Note 894279 - Background processing in SAP Solution Manager (Part III)

(Part II Continuation)

New job framework 'Solution Manager Job Configuration' of the SAP Solution Manager

  • /SDF/MON_REORG report (Job SNAPSHOT MONITORING REORG): Reorganization of obsolete /SDF/MON analyses, scheduled daily since ST710 SP1 version.
  • /TMWFLOW/CMSSYSCOL2 report (Job SM:TMWFLOW_CMSSYSCOL): Program for collecting data of transports, notes and support packages of each System defined in table /TMWFLOW/CMSCONF using asynchronous RFC-function calls, scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • /TMWFLOW/RMO_STACKUPDATE report (Job SM:STACK_INFO_UPDATE): Update the stacks that are available for a product version (see SAP note 1581095), scheduled daily since ST400.
  • AGSSISE_DELETE_TMP_RFC report (Job SM:REMOVE TEMPORARY RFC): Delete temporary RFCs created during solman setup in case this was not done there due to some error, scheduled hourly, since ST710 SP1.
  • AGSSISE_SYSSOL_COLLECTOR report (Job SM:SISE_SYSSOL_COLLECTOR): The purpose of this report is to add all production systems to one standard solution, so that Early Watch can be scheduled automatically. A standard solution is created during the initial configuration of the Solution Manager (transaction SOLMAN_SETUP). This standard solution is used in this report. When the solution is created, the system proposes the name #SAP Solution#, which can be changed. If there is no standard solution, this report creates a standard solution #SAP Solution#. The report then selects all production systems belonging to the customer number using the installation number. All logical components containing one of the systems in the system role that correspond to the leading roles in the solution are then assigned to the solution. So that the Solution Manager is also included in this standard solution, the logical component #Z_SOLMAN_COMP# is created and assigned to the standard solution during the initial configuration. If this does not exist, it is created by the report. In addition, a special solution can be created for each customer number. This special solution is then used instead of the standard solution. You can maintain these customer-specific solutions in the view V_AISAPCUSTNOS (transaction SM30). The report automatically fills the customer number field in the settings of the corresponding solution for all solutions assigned to a customer number using V_AISAPCUSTNOS. Scheduled weekly since ST400.
  • AI_CRM_AIDIAGNOTIF_CREATE report (Job AI_CRM_AIDIAGNOTIF_CREATE): This report takes care of notifications coming from LMDB or CMDB, stating that a system or a device has been changed or created. It creates or updates an IObject for the system or device related to the notification. This IObject is then used for referencing in an Incident Message or other CRM documents. Scheduled daily during night, since ST710 SP5.
  • AI_CRM_IM_UPDATE_FROM_SAP report (Job REFRESH MESSAGE STATUS): This report is used for incident management in solution manager, to retrieve or replicate SAP messages. It replaces for ST 7.10 the old report RNOTIFUPDATE01 (see note 1566108). Scheduled hourly, since ST710 SP1.
  • AI_SC_LISTENER report (Job SERVICE_CONNECTION_LISTENER): This report periodically checks whether a service connection is planned to be opened. It replaces the previously necessary reservation. If a future connection event is selected in the transaction SOLMAN_CONNECT, it is saved locally in the Solution Manager. This program is scheduled every 10 minutes, and opens the system if required. Since ST400.
  • AI_SC_REFRESH_READ_ONLY_DATA report (Job REFRESH_ADMIN_DATA_FROM_SUPPORT): This report reads various information from the SAP Support Portal (like maintenance key data, system numbers of all known product systems in SMSY, installation numbers of these systems, contact persons, service types for remote connection, SAProuter) and saves it locally in the Solution Manager. If customer numbers are maintained in the maintenance view V_AISCUSTNOS, the report can create business partners per customer number, get installation numbers for customer numbers, put the product systems of these installations in SMSY. It is scheduled every day since ST400.
  • AI_SC_SEND_SYSTEM_RELATIONSHIP report (Job SEND_SYSTEM_RELATIONSHIP_TO_SUPP): This report sends information to the SAP Service and Support Backend systems, which is required by the service connection types "SAP Solution Manager" and "SolMan Diagnostics". The numbers of all product systems known to transaction SMSY are sent. Systems which are known to the Solution Manager diagnostics are flagged, and the system numbers of Solution Manager and Solution Manager Diagnostic systems are sent to SAP. See SAP note 962516 for further information. It is scheduled every day since ST400.
  • AI_SDK_FILL_FILE_TYPE_TABLE report (Job SM: GET FILE TYPES FROM SAP): For security reasons, only special file types are allowed as attachments in messages sent to SAP - all other attachments will be rejected. The program determines all relevant file types from CSS. Scheduled every 3 months since ST400.
  • DSVAS_APPL_CSA_REORG_TASKTABLE report (Job SM:CSA SESSION REFRESH): This report clears the CSA task status icons in the graphical overview of central systems administration. It is scheduled every day since ST400.
  • DSVAS_APPL_CSA_UPD_TASKSTATUS report (Job SM:CSA UPDATE TASKSTATUS) updates status symbols of CSA tasks in the graphical overview of central systems administration. It is scheduled every 30 minutes, since ST400.
  • DSWP_BPM_REORGANIZATION report (Job SM:REORG BPMON ALERTS): This report performs the reorganization of Business Process Monitoring alert data for all solution which contain monitoring data. Scheduled daily during night, since ST710 SP5.
  • DSWP_CI_ISSUE_BUFFER_TABLE report (Job SM:UPDATE ISSUE BUFFER). This report updates the buffer for the issue management (issues and their joins are stored in temporary tables for performance optimization). It is scheduled every day, since ST400.
  • DSWP_GET_CSN_COMPONENTS report (Job SM:GET CSN COMPONENTS): this report gets the application components from CSN and saves them into tables. It is scheduled every week, since ST400.
  • DSWP_GET_PPMS_DATA_AUS_OSS report (Job SM:GET_PPMS_DATA_AUS_OSS): This report retrieves PPMS data from the SAP Support Portal and saves it in the Solution Manager. This information is required for the Service Sessions. Scheduled daily (random execution time per customer system), since ST400 SP22.
  • E2E_DCC_AGT_MON report (Job E2E DCC AGENT MONITORING): This report collects the diagnostic agents statuses (metric "Diagnostic Agent unavailable") into the Monitoring and Alerting Infrastructure. It is scheduled every 10 minutes, since ST710 SP1.
  • E2E_EFWK_HOUSEKEEPER report (Job E2E EFWK HOUSEKEEPING): Housekeeping job for the extractor framework. Scheduled daily. Since ST710 SP1.
  • E2E_EFWK_RESOURCE_MGR report (Job EFWK RESOURCE MANAGER): This job is checking if data extractors defined within the EFWK in table E2E_ACTIVE_WLI are due to execution regarding their actual status described in table E2E_EFWK_STATUS. If data extractors are due, then they are executed in the managed systems via RFC call due to the settings in table E2E_RESOURCES. If no data extractors are due, the report is finished immediately, generating no further workload. Scheduled every minute. Since ST710 SP1.
  • E2E_HK_CONTROLLER report (Job E2E BI HOUSEKEEPING): This report performs housekeeping activities on the E2E Diagnostics BI Infocubes statistical records (see SAP note 1480588). Scheduled daily. Since ST710 SP1.
  • GN_GENERATE_CHECK report (Job GN_GENERATE_CHECK). This report creates a worklist with objects (some industry specific function modules) which need generation. To be run before GN_WORKLIST_GENERATE, Scheduled every day, since ST400.
  • GN_WORKLIST_GENERATE report (Job GN_WORKLIST_GENERATE): This report generates the objects (some industry specific function modules) in the worklist created before by GN_GENERATE_CHECK report. Scheduled every day, since ST400.
  • HRBCI_ATTRIBUTES_BUFFER_UPDATE report (Job HRBCI_ATTRIBUTES_BUFFER_UPDATE): This report updates CRM organizational data (model and attributes) into the buffer for a specific day. The program also offers you the option of preparing mobile client distribution for the scenarios SALE and SERVICE. Scheduled daily. Since ST400.
  • PR_DIAGLS_CLEANUP report (Job DIAGLS_CLEANUP): This report purges the E2E Diagnostics logs. Scheduled daily, since ST710 SP1.
  • PR_DIAGLS_COMPUTE_STATUS report (Job DIAGLS_COMPUTE_STATUS): This report updates the status of the elements of the landscape API. Scheduled daily, since ST710 SP1.
  • PRGM_DSWP_NA_SYNC_DLS report (Job SAP_NOTIFADMIN_SYNC_DLS): This report triggers a synchronization of distribution lists from mail server to the database. Scheduled daily, since ST710 SP1.
  • RAGS_DSWP_SERV_CONTENT_UPDATE report (Job SM:Service Content Update): The job should run once a day if it is set to active in the SD Work Center.  The job performs an update of all the service content. For more details please see SAP note 1143775. As of ST400 Ehp1.
  • RAGS_ENGAGE_CYCLE_DB_2_CRM report (Job SM: TRANSFER CYCLE (DB->CRM)): Since ST400 SP26, solution manager can handle transaction type 'SLFC' for Engagement Cycle in "SAP Engagement and Service Delivery" work center. As the DB structure was changed, this report transfers the data created before SP26 to the CRM and the new DB schema. Scheduled only once, since ST400 SP26 (Ehp1).
  • RAGS_FILE_EXT_L_DL report (Job SM:LONG FILE EXT DOWNLOAD): Download from CSN and update the long file extensions that can be handled for incident exchange (Alert inbox and message creation). Scheduled weekly, since ST400.
  • RAGS_SERVREQ_LOAD_FROM_SAP report (Job SM:SYNC SERVICE REQUESTS): This report regularly collects service requests from SAP. Scheduled hourly, since ST400 SP23.
  • RAGS_WORK_BPM_CACHE report (Job SM:FILL BPM CACHE FOR WORKCENTER): After creating a solution (in DSWP or 'SAP Solution Manager Administration' work center), the new solution does not appear in Business Process Operation work center automatically. This report refreshes solution landscape buffers for BPO work center. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RAGS_WORK_SD_CACHE report (Job SM:FILL SD CACHE FOR WORKCENTER): This job fills the cache for the SAP Engagement and Service Delivery work center. Scheduled hourly, since ST400 (this report does nothing starting ST710 SP1, as buffers are not used anymore for both services and issues data which are read directly).
  • RBM_REFOBJ_BUFFER_UPDATE report with SAP&ISSUES variant (Job SOLMAN_ISSUE_STATUS_REFRESH): The SAP Solution Manager buffers message attributes such as the current user and the processing status. This periodic job collects these message attributes from the message system and makes them available for analysis. Scheduled hourly, since ST400.
  • RCSDCCHANDLETASKS report (Job SM:CSDCC HANDLE TASKS): This report synchronizes the list of requests for the SDCCN download with the list of SAP Solution Manager service sessions. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDMD_ACCELERATE_DOC_USAGE report (Job SM:ACCELERATE DOC USAGE): This report accelerates the where-used list for documents in the Solution Manager. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDMD_MIGRATE_TECH_INTERFACE report (Job SM:MIGRATE_TECH_INTERFACE): As of ST400 SP15, it is possible to create and use interfaces in the solution directory of SAP Solution Manager. This report generates the interfaces for any existing technical interfaces. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDMD_REFRESH_INDEX report (Job SM:REFRESH_INDEX): This job updates the index for solutions once a day. This is updated on demand for changes in solutions, but this job should run in order to obtain a secure status. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDMD_REMOVE_INCON report (Job SM:REMOVE INCONSISTENCIES): This report removes potential data inconsistencies in the solutions. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSMOPBACK_AUTOSESSIONS_ALL report (Job SM:EXEC SERVICES): This report executes service sessions in Solution Manager, carries out services daily (or weekly) and schedules new services. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSMOPCOLLECTSOLUTIONDATA report (Job SM:SEND_SOLUTIONS_TO_SAP): This report sends the data of the appropriately configured solutions to SAP. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSMOPSERVICEINFOS report (Job SM:SYNC SOLMAN INFO): To transfer the information about SAP Solution Manager usage (components used by customers) to SAP. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSWP_ARCHIVE_WMS report (Job DSWP_ARCHIVE_WORKMODES): This report archives work modes older than 30 days. See SAP note 1538133 for more details. Scheduled every 12 hours, since ST710 SP1.
  • RDSWP_CLEAN_DSWPJOB report (Job SM:RDSWP_CLEAN_DSWPJOB): This report removes some unnecessary jobs. Scheduled monthly in ST400, daily in ST710.
  • RDSWP_DTM_UPDATE_DT_STATUS report (Job UPDATE DOWNTIME STATUS): This report updates the Downtime Manager data (downtime status) to ensure semantic consistency. Scheduled daily, from ST400 SP15 to ST710 SP2.
  • RDSWP_NA_DEL_NOTIF_ADMIN_DATA report (Job SAP_NOTIFADMIN_DELETE_USERS): This report deletes recipients or recipient lists used for notification for which the delete flag is true and last_changed_by date is older than 30 days (by default). Scheduled daily, since ST710 SP1.
  • RDSWP_SC_MANAGED_SYSTEMS report (Job SM:SELFDIAGNOSISSELFCHECK): This report executes self checks on the managed systems of the solution manager. Scheduled weekly, since ST710 SP1.
  • RDSWP_ISSUE_REFRESH report (Job SM:SYNC ISSUES FROM CRM): The table DSWPISSUE, which contains information from the CRM document and the support message (context), is updated by this report. This function is required for issue tracking and Service Plan. Scheduled hourly, in ST400 only.
  • RDSWP_NM_SYNC_USER_DATA report (Job SM:SYNCHRONIZE USER DATA FOR NOT): This report synchronizes user data for the Notification Engine from Solution Manager satellite systems. Scheduled daily, in ST400 only since SP15.
  • RDSWP_SELF_DIAGNOSIS (Job SM:SELFDIAGNOSIS): This report updates self-diagnosis information (solution-specific and cross-solutions yellow and red alerts used in service desk, issue management...). More details can be found in SAP note 1073382. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSWP_SELF_DIAGNOSIS_CRM_TRF report (Job SM:SELFDIAGNOSIS_SEND_TO_SAP): This report sends data from self-diagnosis application on customer's solution manager system to SAP (CSS system). Scheduled monthly, since ST400 SP26.
  • RDSWP_SSA_MOVE_2_ARCHIVE_QUEUE report (Job SM:MOVE TO ARCHIVE QUEUE): This report triggers the archiving of the services and sessions (EWAs), for which the preset retention period was exceeded. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSWPCI_ISSUE_PROJECT_CONTEXT1 report (Job SM:MIGRATE_ISSUE_PROJECT_CONTEXT): This report migrates the project contexts for issues. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSWPCI_SURVEY_TRANSFER report (Job SM:SURVEY TRANSFER): This report transfers the questionnaires for customer satisfaction with the service session and issue processing to SAP. Scheduled weekly, in ST400 only.
  • RDSWPCI_TOPISSUE_TRANSFER report (Job SM:TOP ISSUE TRANSFER): This report transfers the top issues that you have exchanged with SAP. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSWPCISERVICEPLAN report (Job SM:SYNC SAP SESSIONS): The session scheduling in the service plan is updated daily by SAP. This report is required to receive service plans from SAP. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RDSWPDOWNLOADDELETION report (Job SM:DOWNLOAD DELETION): This report deletes download data (transaction SDCCN), which is more than 30 days old. Scheduled every 3 days, in ST400 only.
  • RDSWPJOBSCHEDULER report (Job SM:SCHEDULER): This report triggers all the other background jobs in the old job framework (job entries from the DSWPJOB table not in SMCONFIGJOBS table). Scheduled hourly, since ST710 SP1.
  • RDSWPRULESUPDATE report (Job SM:UPDATE RULES): This report downloads a new set of rules for the Solution Manager. This set of rules controls the services and documents that can be offered (inline) for the information about system infrastructure and processes, which is maintained in the Solution Manager. Scheduled daily, in ST400 only.
  • RMIGRATE_LANG_DEP_SAPSCRIPT report (Job SM:MIGRATE_LANG_DEP_SAPSCRIPT): This report optimizes the data for the document references to achieve an optimized access for the where-used list. Scheduled weekly, since ST400.
  • RNOTIFUPDATE01 report (Job REFRESH MESSAGE STATUS): This report refreshes the contents of Support Desk or Expert-on-Demand messages that have been processed by SAP. Recommendation: use the Implementation Guide to schedule a customer-specific variant for the SAP Solution Manager. Scheduled hourly, in ST400 only. Replaced by AI_CRM_IM_UPDATE_FROM_SAP report since ST710 SP1.
  • RS_WBA_REFRESH_POWL_BUFFER report (Job SM:RS_WBA_REFRESH_POWL_BUFFER): This job ensures that the system lists in the work centers for the technical system administrator (System Administration, System Monitoring and System Landscape Management) are updated in the Solution Manager (that is, adjusted to changes in the system infrastructure). Scheduled hourly, since ST400 (defined in the old DSWPJOB job framework for ST400, activated in SMCONFIGJOBS new job framework since ST710 SP1).
  • RSGET_SMSY report (Job LANDSCAPE FETCH): This job gets system data for the Solution Manager system landscape by automatic data transfer from TMS/RFC or the System Landscape Directory (SLD). Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • RWBA_RFC_WATCHER report (Job SM:RFC MONITORING): This report checks RFC connections using RFCPING or RFC_PING. Scheduled hourly, only in ST400 (but part of the old DSWPJOB framework in ST710).
  • SMO6_REORG2 report (Job SMO6_REORG2): This report reorganizes several kinds of data of CRM middleware such as BDOC messages and statistics, trace and key gen data... More details are available in SAP note 713173. Scheduled daily, since ST400.
  • SMWP_BATCH report (Job SMWP_BATCH): This report updates the data displayed in the CRM middleware monitoring cockpit (SMWP transaction). Scheduled daily, since ST400.

Old job framework of the SAP Solution Manager (SM:SCHEDULER)

No separate job is created for jobs that are executed INLINE, and for this reason no separate job logs are created either. The relevant job log is actually in the overall log of job SM:SCHEDULER.

If job SM:SCHEDULER is not scheduled, you can use the function module DSWP_BATCH_JOB_START_SCHEDULER to schedule it or the Job Wizard in transaction SM36 (the report RDSMOP
JOBSCHEDULER). If you use function module DSWP_BATCH_JOB_START_SCHEDULER, define import parameter PF_START_TIME for the start time only, and leave PF_ACTIVITY at the default value 'S'.

If you want to run the jobs under another user, you must log on under this user and use the function module DSWP_BATCH_JOB_START_SCHEDULER and the parameter value 'PF_ACTIVITY' = 'D' to deschedule the job 'SM:SCHEDULER'. Afterwards, proceed as described above to schedule the job.

Affected Releases

Correction delivered in Support Package

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SAP Note 894279 - Background processing in SAP Solution Manager (Part II)

(Part I Continuation)

The following section provides a detailed account of the programs that are executed:

Old job framework of the SAP Solution Manager (SM:SCHEDULER)
  • The program RDSWPRULESUPDATE: Downloading a new set of rules for the Solution Manager This set of rules controls the services and documents that can be offered (inline) for the information about system infrastructure and processes, which is maintained in the Solution Manager.
  • The program RDSWP_ISSUE_REFRESH: The table DSWPISSUE, which contains information from the CRM document and the support message (context), is updated. This function is required for issue tracking and Service Plan (inline, job SM:SYNC ISSUES FROM CRM).
  • The program RDSWPDOWNLOADDELETION: Download data (transaction SDCCN), which is more than 30 days old, is deleted (job SM:DOWNLOAD DELETION).
  • The program RDSMOP_SESSSION_RESET: The set-up sessions are automatically reset after a new ST-SER release is implemented or after a new Support Package is imported. This ensures that these sessions always run on the newest check source code (Job SM:SESSIONS RESET).
  • The program RDSMOPSOLUTIONLISTUPDATE: The status of every solution is determined for the overview list of all solutions (the access screen in transaction SOLUTION_MANAGER) (Job SM:REFRESH ENTRYSCREEN).
  • The program RDSWPCISERVICEPLAN: The session scheduling in the service plan is updated daily by SAP. This report is required to receive service plans from SAP (Job SM:SYNC SAP SESSIONS).
  • The program RDSMOPBACK_AUTOSESSIONS: Carry out services daily (or weekly) and schedule new services. As described above, in the "Global Settings", you can change the time at which this job should be carried out. The system sets 6 AM by default (Job SM:EXEC SERVICES).
  • The program RDSMOPCOLLECTSOLUTIONDATA: This report sends the data of the appropriately configured solutions to SAP. (Job SM:SEND_SOLUTIONS_TO_SAP)
  • The program RSOLDIAG_CHECK_FOR_UPDATE: Checks your Solution Manager and notifies it about the changes made to relevant data and parameters (inline, job SM:SOLMAN_DIAG_UPDATE).
  • The program RDSWP_FILL_CCMS_ALERTS: Supplies the monitoring object of the CCMS for every solution with data from the Solution Manager, for example, EWA, SL Reporting and transaction SDCCN (Job SM:SOLMAN MONITORING).
  • The program RNOTIFUPDATE01: Deactivate this job if it is not yet available in your system and use the Implementation Guide to schedule a customer-specific variant for the SAP Solution Manager. This refreshes the contents of Support Desk or Expert-on-Demand messages that have been processed by SAP.
  • The program RDMD_REORG_APPLICATION_LOG: (Job SM:REORG APPLICATION LOG). Cleans up the SAP Solution Manager application log data after a certain retention period.
  • The program RDMD_INCONSISTENCIES: Checks the data model of a solution for inconsistencies (Job SM: DMD CONSISTENCY).
  • The program RDMD_DYNAMIC_TABU_UPDATE: Updates the table contents that are necessary to operate the Solution Manager (Job SM:DYNAMIC TABU UPDATE).
  • The program RDMD_ACCELERATE_DOC_USAGE: Accelerates the where-used list for documents in the Solution Manager (Job SM:ACCELERATEDOC USAGE).
  • The program RMIGRATE_LANG_DEP_SAPSCRIPT: (Job SM:MIGRATE_LANG_DEP_SAPSCRIPT). This optimizes the data for the document references to achieve an optimized access for the where-used list.
  • DSWP_GET_CSN_COMPONENTS: This updates the SAP components weekly (Job SM:GET CSN COMPONENTS).
  • RDSWPCI_TOPISSUE_TRANSFER: This transfers the top issues that you have exchanged with SAP, once a week (Job SM:TOP ISSUE TRANSFER).
  • RDSWPCI_SURVEY_TRANSFER: This transfers the questionnaires for customer satisfaction with the service session and issue processing to SAP (Job SM:SURVEY TRANSFER).
  • RDSWP_SELF_DIAGNOSIS: Manages the self diagnosis for SAP Solution Manager (SM:SELFDIAGNOSIS)..
  • RDMD_REMOVE_INCON: Removes possible data inconsistencies in the solutions (Job SM:REMOVE INCONSISTENCIES).
  • RDSWP_CLEAN_DSWPJOB: Removes some jobs' unnecessary jobs (Job SM:RDSWP_CLEAN_DSWPJOB).
  • RDSWP_SSA_MOVE_2_ARCHIVE_QUEUE: Archives the EWAs, for which the preset retention period was exceeded ((Job SM:MOVE 2 ARCHIVE QUEUE).
  • RDSWPCI_ISSUE_PROJECT_CONTEXT1: Migrates the project contexts for issues (Job SM:MIGRATE_ISSUE_PROJECT_CONTEXT).-
  • RWBA_RFC_WATCHER: This background job checks the RFC connections that you have selected in the Work Center System Monitoring in View Connectivity Monitoring. This job is available as of ST400 Support Package 15 (Job SM:RFC MONITORING). As of Support Package 15
  • RDSWP_DTM_UPDATE_DT_STATUS: Updates the Downtime Manager data to ensure semantic consistency (Job SM:UPDATE DOWNTIME STATUS). As of Support Package 15
  • RDSWP_CREATE_STANDARD_SOLUTION: If the Solution Manager system is not available in any other active solution, the system creates a standard one-time solution that only contains the Solution Manager system itself, and is active and scheduled in EarlyWatch Alert (Job SM:CREATE STANDARD SOLUTION). As of Support Package 15
  • RDSWP_NM_SYNC_USER_DATA: Synchronizes user data for the Notification Engine from Solution Manager satellite systems (Job SM:SYNCHRONIZE USER DATA FOR NOTIFICATIONS). As of Support Package 15
  • RS_WBA_REFRESH_POWL_BUFFER: The job ensures that the system lists in the work centers for the technical system administrator (System Administration, System Monitoring and System Landscape Management) are updated in the Solution Manager (that is, adjusted to changes in the system infrastructure). (Job SM:RS_WBA_REFRESH_POWL_BUFFER). As of Support Package 17.
  • RCSDCCHANDLETASKS: This daily job (Job SM:CSDCC HANDLE TASKS) synchronizes the list of requests for the SDCCN download with the list of SAP Solution Manager service sessions.
  • DSWP_CI_ISSUE_BUFFER_TABLE: Updates the buffer for the Issue Management. This runs once a day as the job SM:UPDATE ISSUE BUFFER. The determined and saved data is currently not used because the system does not use the optimized buffering for the Issue Management. This job can be deallocated.
  • RDMD_MIGRATE_TECH_INTERFACE: As of Support Package 15, it is possible to create and use interfaces in the solution directory of SAP Solution Manager. This report runs as the job SM:MIGRATE_TECH_INTERFACE and generates the interfaces for any existing technical interfaces.
  • RDMD_REFRESH_INDEX: This job (SM:REFRESH_INDEX) updates the index for solutions once a day. This is updated on demand for changes in solutions, but this job should run in order to obtain a secure status.
  • The program /TMWFLOW/CMSSYSCOL 2: (Job SM:TMWFLOW_CMSSYSCOL). Deactivate this job if it is still contained in the DSWPJOB. This job is scheduled automatically using SM CONFIG JOBS.
(Check Next Post)

SAP Note 894279 - Background processing in SAP Solution Manager (Part I)


This note relates to documentation for background processing in SAP Solution Manager.

Other terms

Reason and Prerequisites
Documentation is missing in background processing.

Below, you can find details about background processing, which is required to operate the Solution Manager.

Background processing in the Solution Manager System

Old job framework of the SAP Solution Manager (SM:SCHEDULER, valid up to and including Support Package 21)
  • SAP Solution Manager background processing does not require any administrative work by the customer.
  • All of the programs required by your Solution Manager system are automatically executed by the job SM:SCHEDULER (the program RDSWPJOBSCHEDULER), which runs hourly. The job is created automatically (under the current user) when you create the first solution landscape ("Solution" or "Solution Landscape") in SAP Solution Manager. SM:SCHEDULER manages all programs that are flagged as active in the table DSWPJOB according to their relevant configurations.
  • The configuration delivered by SAP (Customizing) is available in the table DSWPJOB. The table is delivered with a suitable default setting and should not be changed.
  • Once a day, SM:SCHEDULER starts an important job that automatically executes service sessions (for example, EarlyWatch Alert processing). This job is called SM:EXEC SERVICES. You can set the time at which this job is started in SAP Solution Manager "Global Settings". The default setting is 6 am.
  • Use the Solution Manager automatic diagnosis to obtain information about the status of the background processing. If jobs terminate or are not executed, you will find the relevant information here. The table DSWPJOBSTATUS contains information about the last run of individual programs.
  • Note: Continue to use your SAP system's underlying infrastructure, that is, transactions SM37 and SM36, for configuration-intensive programs (for example, customer-specific variants). Do not add any customer-specific programs.

New job framework 'Solution Manager Job Configuration' of the SAP Solution Manager

  • By definition, the SolMan job configuration delivers the required SolMan standard jobs with predefined start conditions.  The scheduling is performed by the user in transaction SM_CONFIG_JOBS (relevant up to and including ST Support Package 17) or as of ST Support Package 18 in transaction SOLMAN_SETUP in the automatic configuration (in "Basic Configuration" scenario, under "Configure Automatically" step, "Schedule Background Jobs" activity). However jobs contained in the old configuration table (DSWPJOB) and not in the new one (SMCONFIGJOBS) will continue to be scheduled from the SM:SCHEDULER job, which is still active in the new job framework.
  • This SolMan jobs configuration is stored in SMCONFIGJOBS table and offers more flexibility than the old framework. The ISIMMEDIATE flag allows an immediate scheduling of the corresponding jobs when the "Schedule Background Jobs" activity in executed. Moreover the COMM2SAP flag is used to distinguish the jobs in communication with a SAP system. Starting from ST400 SP26 those kind of jobs which are declared as non immediate are started with a random time offset to ensure a randomly distributed access to SAP systems for all SAP customers of the same time zone. For more details about this global randomization and how to unschedule the existing jobs with a fixed start time causing problems to SAP systems, please see SAP notes 1538950 and 1604572.
(Check Next Post)

SAP Note 1538950 - Random scheduling of background jobs in SOLMAN_SETUP (Part II)

(Part I Continuation)

Step D: (optional in case Step C fails)
In case the post-processing of the note did not work as expected (error logs messages), then you still have the possibility to perform the same operation manually using the SM37 transaction (or the RSBTCDEL standard report for mass deletion if you are familiar with) for each job listed above, as described below:

- Run transaction SM37
- Enter * for the Job Name
- Enter * for User Name
- You have to select at least the "Released" job status
- You have to set a quite large interval from today to at least 10 days later (one of the job listed above is scheduled weekly) for the start condition
- Enter the ABAP program name (right column from the list above)
- Press Execute button
- Select the job(s) with status "Released" (you can have several jobs with different job names, if you do not delete all of them you will not get a new schedule)
- In menu "Job", either select "Delete" (unschedule is recommended) or "Change"
- If you prefer to "Change", then choose "Start Condition" button and enter a new start time of your choice
- Then save

WARNING: If you have deleted some jobs, then you have to re-execute the "Schedule Background Jobs" automatic activity. The problem of this manual job by job deletion is that it is not possible to know if the start time of the jobs are correct (means not with a fixed offset time of 25 minutes) without knowing the planned start time defined in table SMCONFIGJOBS. So you have to unschedule or change all the jobs you will find from the list above (unschedule all the jobs is preferable because when the jobs are scheduled again by the automatic activity, the sequence of jobs execution is optimized so that each job may receive the most up-to-date data from predecessor jobs).

Additional information:
From ST700 Ehp1 SP26 and ST710 SP01, the new random scheduling of jobs with communication with SAP systems not triggered immediately is included, there's no need to implement any correction. In case of an upgrade from ST700 SP 23, 24 or 25 to ST700 SP >= 26 or ST710 SP >= 01, the possible wrongly scheduled jobs have to be unscheduled manually via SM37 as explained above and the "Schedule Background Jobs" automatic activity has to be re-executed.

Starting from ST700 SP26 or ST710 SP01, the existing job SM:SELFDIAGNOSIS (RDSWP_SELF_DIAGNOSIS report) was moved to this category of jobs randomly scheduled. In case this job was already scheduled using an older ST version, it has to be unscheduled manually with SM37 as explained above then scheduled again using the automatic activity.

Affected Releases

Correction delivered in Support Package

Corrections Instructions
17.12.2010  13:40:18
21.12.2010  15:32:48
21.12.2010  15:47:02
22.12.2010  18:03:12
22.12.2010  18:13:46
22.12.2010  18:15:21

More Info @